There are 4 icon sizes required to submit a universal iOS app to the App Store:
- 76px (iPad 1x)
- 120px (iPhone 2x)
- 152px (iPad 2x)
- 167px (iPad Pro 2x)
Download placeholder icons here.
Just another tech blog
There are 4 icon sizes required to submit a universal iOS app to the App Store:
Download placeholder icons here.
I was trying to submit a proof of concept app to the app store for TestFlight distribution. Submission failed.
Looked up Mapbox to see if there was a new version. No.
Looked up Mapbox to see if I was missing something in their instructions. No
A quick google search, lead me to a stack overflow post, which linked to another, which linked to this: Stripping Unwanted Architectures From Dynamic Libraries In Xcode
Copy, paste,
APP_PATH="${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}" # This script loops through the frameworks embedded in the application and # removes unused architectures. find "$APP_PATH" -name '*.framework' -type d | while read -r FRAMEWORK do FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_NAME=$(defaults read "$FRAMEWORK/Info.plist" CFBundleExecutable) FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH="$FRAMEWORK/$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_NAME" echo "Executable is $FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH" EXTRACTED_ARCHS=() for ARCH in $ARCHS do echo "Extracting $ARCH from $FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_NAME" lipo -extract "$ARCH" "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH" -o "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH-$ARCH" EXTRACTED_ARCHS+=("$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH-$ARCH") done echo "Merging extracted architectures: ${ARCHS}" lipo -o "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH-merged" -create "${EXTRACTED_ARCHS[@]}" rm "${EXTRACTED_ARCHS[@]}" echo "Replacing original executable with thinned version" rm "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH" mv "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH-merged" "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH" done
(might need to follow step 0 from here)
Archive, submit.